Thursday, December 9, 2010

you dont have to let the girl out to be a woman

judging from my parents' experience in handling their own relationship, I must say, it's not easy. my mom is always the talkative one, while my dad is kinda the opposite. If we argued among sibs or did something wrong, its always my mom who gets angry. My dad is the cooler one. thats what happened in their relationship as well, when one side gets angry or furious, the other should never ever do the same. You gotta take turn. If one side talk, talk and talk, the other side should just listen. Same goes to my relationship. I've always been the angry one. I easily blame my partner if something goes wrong. Well its not how you deal in a relationshp. I wanted this to last long, I really do. Thus I'm willing to change and I must say , as what i've observed from my parents, it will never get easy. At least Im willing to try.

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