Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bad dreams

Initially I wanted to share stories about my recent trip to utagha, but Im not in the mood right now. ;(

For those who know me, I am one of those who are lucky, cuz basically I rarely have troubles with sleeping. In short, letak kepala je mesti zzzzzz lah. Confirm!

But last nite was a bit weird. First, I couldn't sleep. I tried though. Plus, my family and I just got back from dinner, I was full and sleepy. Went into my room, did my usual stuff first then tros zzzz. Mind you, this is the after effect of full stomach. ;)

However, last nite was a bit different. I could not sleep well. I had really bad dreams. It's like I'm having the same dreams over and over again. I could still remember the dreams vividly. I must say, it was kinda scary. I dreamt about killing and killer. Don't ask me who are those people in my dreams, I could not remember their faces.

Gosh, it was scary. I woke up around 2 sth and tried to continue sleeping but I just can't. I switched on the light and ended reading the magazine instead. I thought I would feel sleepy, cuz you know, they say if you can't sleep, get something to read and automatically you would feel sleepy but guess what, it did not work! haish. Then, I just lied in my bed, still trying to sleep well but my plans failed.

I woke up around 4 sth for sahur since I've been planning to fast with angah. Woke her up, and found out adek is not yet sleeping. WEH ASAL TAK CAKAP!!! I thought I was the only one who are not yet asleep ishishish.

Well, basically that was what happened last night. Hope I could get a good night sleep tonite. Tomorrow is gotong royong day with la familia.

thats all.

ps; I even tried to call Yap, but he didn't picked up. ;'(

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