Saturday, October 23, 2010

Extra miles you go for

LOVE? Mine is 240 kms ;D

Well. I had a blast weekend last week. Perfect weekend with perfect company :) I promised Yap that I would go to Kuantan, so I finally made it last Friday. Asked kya to accompany me since she's going back to Kuantan as well. Was pretty nervous, coz that would probably be my first time driving to Kuantan. And I never drive that far, yet. Alhamdulillah, everything went smooth and well. I maintained 120-140 km haha. Dah half way baru Yap nak bagitau yang kene hati hati dengan bridge along the highway. I was like, pfff. And right now I'm actually pretty nervous. SUMMONES!! They could come anytime. Haihs.

Anyways, arrived in Kuantan around 3 sth. I saw UMP Gambang, I was so excited haha. I even took a turn and snapped the picture. Jakun. Ohh the hostel looks like rumah kedai. Funny.

Anyhoo, called Yap and he said he was on his way to the Terminal since we will be meeting there. Nua, kya's husband was already at the Stadium and I was sooo hungry, I could not wait for the late person so I had my nasi goreng kampung. Kya ate as well, but guess what. By the time I finished my meal, she was still eating. Told ya, I was starving! hehe

And then jeng jeng, ketibaan duli yang maha mulia Yap Ah Loy. Omg, he looks so emm bald. abang botak abang botak di tepi jale. ;p

Bid goodbye to the lovely couple (Nua n Kya) and Yap left his car at the terminal. Since I was complaining how oily and belengas I looked (its true!), Yap drove me to a mosque to get myself refreshed. Performed prayers and then we're off to TC. I've never been to TC (first time lalu je) and we jalan jalan for a while. Owh rupanya TC ade laluan tuuu. Jakun lagi. Overall, I think its a very nice place (kembang hidung Yap). Perhaps it needs more maintenance. Some of the handles are falling off and such. Snap snap snap then we're off to Kompleks and ECM. Wanted to catch a movie but yours truly was being a child (so me anyway!). I was dead tired (sleep late a day before + woke up early + drove 240 kms), super hungry and super sad cos there's no Dinner for Schmucks! :(( Oh yea, I was merajuk as well. Haha was feeling guilty cos I know someone is super busy with his PSM/FYP yet he finds time to entertain me.

He definitely knows how to entertain me. By filling my stomach with good food!! went to Tg Lumpur, which the people claimed as port makan seafood terbaek. We had our meals but unfortunately the cook forgot about our ikan aji2. Yap chose the fish but since we've almost finished with our meals, we just cancelled the order. Maybe next time bole try? We talked about many things. Ohh and I saw a very cute toodler behind me. So cute rase nak cubit2 je. Yap drove back to Pekan and he dropped me at his female friends' house. I slept like a baby on our way to Pekan. I tried not to but my eyes felt so heavy. ishish. thats the end of Day 1

Yap woke me up for Day 2 and told me that we could go out a bit late. As usual, continued sleeping after his call (hehe) but then Pikok and the girls asked me to reverse my car since they were going somewhere so early in the morning. With my mamai face, I reversed my car and salam2 bye2 with them. Thought of sambung tido but then I should just iron or kemas my car a bit. Yap called and said we're going to the beach for breakfast. I seriously thought we were going to find kedai makan tepi pantai and thats it. But look what this boy planned on his mind? Suprised me with his nasi goreng sardine special and a guitar. Picnic with my lovely boyfriend :) Well the guitar was kinda expected cos I have been bugging him with it (He promised long time ago okay!) but the nasi goreng? No wonder he told me to continue sleeping this morning, he was being busy in the kitchen. awww!

We ate, talked and we sang along to the songs (more like he sang alone!). Pretty romantic, aye? haha. It was so hot at the beach (Jue, its pantai lagenda pekan) and I could not tahan anymore so we're off to his house (of cos I waited outside). He settled few stuff and then we're off to KB. Yap brought me to Cherating (my first time also!) and we had air Nyo. On our way back to KB, we dropped by at the Mesra Mall. Jealous gile kot. I want a mall like this in KB. It was a nice, cosy mall and it has everything. From TMC to bowling to movie to karaoke. Everythings under one roof. jealousyyy is rising. hehe

What I love the most about this road trip is well, we get the chance to talk. Sometimes when he came to KL, we would go to the mall and I would definitely cuci mata. Tengok baju and stuff. Distraction ;p Thus during this roadtrip, I learned a lot more about him. Get to know his friends, get to know his place. And I could tell he was practically nervous driving me back to KB. I know its a bit too early but its not a meeting the parents yet! It was more like he's sending me back home. Plus papa was in kampungku so he only met umi. I would love to bring him to KB again, but not soon.

And my sister, Baby loves him. She was like, Along kalau tak kawen dgn abang Yap, bagi la kat Baby. Baby sukaaaa! oh well, thats my 10 year old sister I'm talking about. We arrived in KB around 9 sth and we dropped at my house. Introduced Yap to my mom :) and asked Baby whether she wants to tag along. Obviously this kiddo said Yes!. Yap wanted to go back on the same day (pujukan 2 hari tak menjadi ;( ) but its okay cos I know he has plenty of work to be done. He was willing to send me back to KB, thats was more than enough. Got his bus tix at Transnasional and we had dinner at the Stadium. Urgh cam takbest je makan kat stadium but since it was quite late and he might missed his bus, so bawak makan dekat2 je. Baby could get along with Yap quite well, its not a suprise. hehe. Yap fulfilled his promise to Baby, he belanja Vitagen. so cute.

10 something pm, time to bid goodbye. I could not even look, or I would get all teary eyed. So me okay. Everytime Yap nak balik camtu lah. Saying goodbye is always the hardest, but I know we will meet again right, love?

So that marks the end of my weekend. Short but wonderful. Isnt it perfect?

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