Monday, June 28, 2010

I love it when a plan comes together

I watched 'The A-Team' with my friends yesterday, and suprisingly, I loved it! I mean, I was clueless when the others suggested that they wanna watch the movie. First and foremost, it is an action movie, and I was never a fan of one. Secondly, I seriously had no idea about the movie. Never heard of it. Never read any reviews of the movie. At all! To be honest, I even thought the title was 'The Eighteen'. No wonder I could not find any movie poster entitled 'The Eighteen'!



watch the movie if you haven't watch it! seriously wicked and funny! :D

thats all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's 3.47 am in the morning, I just woke up and having trouble to continue sleeping (despite the heavy rains outside). So, I want to share something that I find out today.

My younger sister, Baby is currently schooling at this one school, located near to my parents' workplace and the school is known to have many other staffs' children there. Earlier this week, a doctor cum one of those parents sent an email to the other staffs whose children are schooling at the same school, as she said that there is an urgent matter need to be discussed.

So, my mum attended the meeting and broke the news when she came back. The issue of the meeting is regarding the children's safety, as it is reported that a nine year old boy has been sexually abuse by a stranger inside the school's toilet. The stranger, who is believed a drug addict had even tied the kid's hands and cellotaped his mouth so that he cannot called for help. The poor kid was finally saved by his friend, who saw the man outside of the toilet, but its too late already.

Omaigad!!! I was so shocked, how could this cruel incident happened, without single notice from the other teachers or the guards/adults and most importantly, occured at the school compound. A place once we thought is safe.

Joining the rest who are so worried about the children, my parents do feel the same for my sister. Knowing her, I know she's the brave type. She would not be scared to go to the toilet alone, thus my mum has warned her not to. At least ask her friend to tag along. Funny thing is, baby told us there is such thing as no one can go to the toilet with friends. I do understand the rationale for teachers setting up this kinda rule (been there, done that) but I believe it is crucial for the kids to have someone else when they go to anywhere. After all they are just kids, who obviously could not protect themselves if something bad happened.

Mum even asked me to tag along for the school meeting this coming Tuesday. She said it might be useful, as I am a teacher-to-be myself. I agreed, and let see whats gonna happen at the meeting.

I swear I would not pick up baby late from school. I don't want anything bad happen to her, and other kids as well. And I really hope the abusive guy would be arrested and receive punishment for what he did. Whatever it is, it would never be enough. The poor boy might suffer physically and most importantly, his unstable emotional state. Plus, the impact of the incident might be severe, and the kid seriously needs a lot of support to get through this, especially considering the fact he is very young and vulnerable.

Whoever the abusive guy is, I hope you rot in hell!!! You are seriously sick!

I'll update more about the meeting soon.

I'm officially very sad. Unbelievable.

Tough luck on being a teacher as well.

Thats all.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


or in Kelantanese, it is known as 'Makey gulai'

It's school hols, and as expected there's tonnes of wedding invitations. Weddings mean nasi minyak, gulai kawah, ayam masak merah, dalca, sambal, bubur and other awesome foods. Awesome foods equal to fatness.

Gahhh. =.="

Whatever it is, I love attending kenduri kahwin. ;)

The thing is, as told in previous post, I went to several states in utagha for vacation with dear family, so I missed Choc's wedding. Honestly, I feel so sad cuz I could not attended her wedding, since I was there when she got engaged and the most important thing, she's kelantanese friend. Ralat ;( What to do aite? Nevermind, I am planning to visit her before I go back to KL and give her wedding present.

Yesterday, I went for Ore and MadJack's kenduri in KB with other friends. They got married in February, but then the 'bekwoh' was held yesterday at Taman Sari, KB. Joe, Sani, and Acap, together with the other two girls who are Ore's schoolmates arrived in KB at noon. I've to pick up Basir at his house but then the traffic was so bad, the cars were hardly moving. It was expected anyway, its saturday and KB is always packed with people from other states during school hols. While searching for the location, Basir and I was alarmed with one embarassing fact; We, the KB people did not know where the hell is Taman Sari!! Dang, malu wey! Both of us didn't have the card, and I only received a sms forwarded from Sani stating the house address. Tapi takde location. Peluh2 wey, Basir even called her mom and tadaa, we finally arrived. Found out the ganung people were there already, happily eating nasi mintak. Isk, maluuuu! Oh, I even met Faris there. what a suprise! never thought he would come down to KB. He's going back later in the evening.

Next, I planned to bring them to PCB, but then Joe wanted to go to Rantau Panjang. It's okay, we can go there but it is assured that the traffic would be hell. Found out that he wanted to buy beras 'Serindit' aka beras siam (illegal!). Rupanya, beras tu ade jual dekat rumah Basir. FUhh. Before we went back, took pictures with the pengantins. They looked so happy, am happy for them :)

Oh, umi told me to pick up baby from tuition. I was like, takkan nak bawak budak kecik banyok mulut niiii. But then, I didn't bring the house key so yeah bring her along lah. And Baby being the usual talkative sister, she mixed up with my friends pretty well. She even called them names; Joe jadik JOJO cite bella, Sani jadi SUNNY as in hot, Acap jadik ASAP, yaya jadi YAYAH yg the famous kids' author tu, BIE jadi kak BABY. Ishishish, but towards the end, she didn't talked that much dah, bet she's tired. lols.

Arrived at home around 7.30 pm, and angah asked me to be her driver (since kancil tak kua icu lagi) and accompanied her for her friend's bro akad nikah at masjid jalan bayam after isyak. I was like so tired, but she kept on budging me to bring her there. Somehow, I knew her friend as well, her late mum was admitted to husm from hospital melaka bcuz of breast cancer. Since they did not know anyone in kelate, my family has been their regular visitor and helped them if they needed anything back then. Good to see her again anyway. She seems happy now, and she's about to get a new mum. :)

For today, I just got back from bekwoh as well in Pengkalan Chepa. makey gulai lagii! On our way back, umi shared her bekwoh fantasy. Not that she's putting pressure on me. I think, she's just explaining what kinda bekwoh would she prefer. Lols! Not gonna happen soon, umi. ;p

Oh well, pretty lengthy post on weddings.

I'll upload the piccas later. haven't transferred them yet!

Thats all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bad dreams

Initially I wanted to share stories about my recent trip to utagha, but Im not in the mood right now. ;(

For those who know me, I am one of those who are lucky, cuz basically I rarely have troubles with sleeping. In short, letak kepala je mesti zzzzzz lah. Confirm!

But last nite was a bit weird. First, I couldn't sleep. I tried though. Plus, my family and I just got back from dinner, I was full and sleepy. Went into my room, did my usual stuff first then tros zzzz. Mind you, this is the after effect of full stomach. ;)

However, last nite was a bit different. I could not sleep well. I had really bad dreams. It's like I'm having the same dreams over and over again. I could still remember the dreams vividly. I must say, it was kinda scary. I dreamt about killing and killer. Don't ask me who are those people in my dreams, I could not remember their faces.

Gosh, it was scary. I woke up around 2 sth and tried to continue sleeping but I just can't. I switched on the light and ended reading the magazine instead. I thought I would feel sleepy, cuz you know, they say if you can't sleep, get something to read and automatically you would feel sleepy but guess what, it did not work! haish. Then, I just lied in my bed, still trying to sleep well but my plans failed.

I woke up around 4 sth for sahur since I've been planning to fast with angah. Woke her up, and found out adek is not yet sleeping. WEH ASAL TAK CAKAP!!! I thought I was the only one who are not yet asleep ishishish.

Well, basically that was what happened last night. Hope I could get a good night sleep tonite. Tomorrow is gotong royong day with la familia.

thats all.

ps; I even tried to call Yap, but he didn't picked up. ;'(