Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Style Your Hijabs

As we all know, there's a lot of styles that we can do with our hijabs. I've been learning how to do those styles from hana tajima's and amenakin's videos. At first I thought it would be kinda complicated but it is actually quite easy peasy. So, here it is!! TADAA!! my gedik poses ya'll!

a) Lycra Tudung
- bought this at Jalan TAR (so far I only have 3 colours - BLACK, MUSTARD YELLOW and GREY)

- You can also style it with headbands (sadly, I only have one)

b) Long Pashmina
- my mom posted this to Sydney for my hari raya celebration. Da lama tak pakai cos the material is quite thick (so kadang2 nampak macam sakit beguk sikit). Tapi sekarang tidak lagi, since I've tried to style it differently.

c) Short Pashmina
- got this tie dye hijab from Just Jeans, OZ! sukaaaaaaa gilos but I rarely wear it now. I think this kinda look reminds everyone of Yuna aite? The material is very light and its comfy!

d) Tassel Tudung
- also known as 'Tudung Gypsy/Tudung dgn subang). One of my faves these days! You dont have to iron it and its veryyy simple. Love 'em!

Thats all! Do not be afraid to try out different styles okay! Wearing hijabs should not be an excuse for us to look as fashionable (but in modest way) as others. ;)

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