Monday, January 21, 2013

In 3 Days

And I'll be someone else's wife Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan olehNya, Amin.

Monday, January 17, 2011

my oh my. another accident?

yes you heard it right.
I met with another accident (my friends said closing accident for 2010). Grr. It happened when my singaporean cousins came for a visit in Kota Bharu and I was supposed to be their tourist guide.

Everything went well at first, we even joked around in the car, humming to the songs on the radio and Lu Ayy took few videos which includes me introducing my car Ali. Look at the video, I was excited!

Suddenly, on our way back, a driver who did not noticed my car cos he was too busy sms-ing hit Ali! BOOM! Details of the story would not be spared here cos it had been settled now. Alhamdulillah, the other driver admitted his mistake and he paid for my damage. Thank God for that.

well, this video was taken after the accident. I was sad and mad (as said by Baby). Totally killed my mood. Dari happy pagi2 terus downnnn! :(

Funny thing is, siap kecek kelate! hehe

Moral of the story, always always be careful on the road. DO NOT SMS OR USE YOUR PHONE (relates to me well). I might could have avoided the accident if I concentrated more on the surrounding. So yeah, be careful and remember its not only you in the car. There's always other people and their lives matter, just like yours.

what a bittersweet memories to end 2010.

Jiwang side of me

dear Mr You-Know-Who-You-Are,
this song is for you.


It makes me happy, just to listen to her soothing voice and honest lyrics.
Perfect song to start your morning, yay?


My first post for the new year - 2011. I know, boo me cos I'm so preoccupied with holidays. I wanted to write earlier but hey, better late than never. At least, it is still January ;p. so yeah, Happy New Year! May the year be filled with joy, happiness and good luck for everyone.

I just can't wait to start working even though I'm not sure of where I'm gonna be posted yet. Few friends got SABAH! But I think working is already a challenging stage itself, its not the places that matter most. As long as you have passion in whatever you're doing, you'll be fine.

Cant believe this actually comes from me. My boyfriend and family would be laughing their hearts out once they read this. I was the one who almost cried and freaked out when I heard those who got SABAH did not actually include sabah in their options. =.="

Its okay. Sure hope for the best. InsyaAllah :)

As quoted from Ramez Sasson, "Happy thoughts fill you with happiness"

The best thing that I could do now is waiting. Its painful though.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

just when the clock ticked 0001

few hours before my birthday, I was so sleepy. my sisters baked macaroni cheese and I could actually smell it from my room and seriously, it smells so good. the thing is, I was so tired (I blame my work cos I had to wake up early and the whether - its been raining cats and dogs). I was a lil bit sad as well, I mean I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my man, but we're in this thing called LDR, how on earth la kan?

as the clock ticked 0001, Yap called. I was a lil bit blur, so I picked up the call just to listen to someone playing the guitar and sang happy birthday song. Awww. Terus celik.

He told me to get on skype and there is he, smiling with guitar. He even sang my fave song, ku ingin kamu by romance. terharu... He promised that we would celebrate my birthday when we see each other later :)

Well I seriously thought thats it. but I received something from him yesterday. maybe its not the most expensive gift or something that a boyfriend would give to a girlfriend. Still, it made my day and I'm thankful to have you as my man. for more to come, love. Cheers! ;)

I'm 22

I just turned 22 few days ago and all I can say is, I'm blessed that I'm finally 22. This year has taught me many things that I never thought I would embrace, I got closer to new friends, became more aware of all those relationship myths between friends/family and fell in love with this one amazing guy I never expected I would like him the way I like him now hehe. In short, being 22 is awesome! (really??!)

I celebrated my birthday by jumping out of my bed and rushing straight to the bathroom. I was late to work. I teached from 8 - 11 am and when I got home, then only I had my breakfast. Mom cooked nasi ayam special specially for me, and she even woke up at 6 cos she wanted me to have my meal before work. sigh! Its the end of 2010 and still, I have problem with time management. ishish.

next, I went to my nenek's house with mom, dad and angah. we'll be having family gathering later in the evening so we decided that we should clean the house beforehand. Rushed back home, mandi2. I took a nap for 15 mins (I was so sleepy, I'll tell you why later). we went back to nenek's house after asar and I had fun reuniting with the cousins and relatives. we had satay sponsored by one of the uncles. mom said it was some sort of celebration for my birthday as well. lol. before we got home, we stopped at this kopitiam and had some drinks. chit chat with the whole family.

so basically. this is how I celebrated my 22nd birthday. very low-key with a close knit family ties. I feel so mature and blessed :)


What I have done for the past few weeks;

i) Singapore, Janda Baik, Kuantan, KT Trip
ii) Balik kampung (JB & Parit Buntaq)
iii) Cousins' visit (click for pictures and stories) Thanks Lu Ayy for the write up and piccas! ya know im so lazy hehe ;p
iv) Part-time job (Tuition teacher yo!) but I haven't got my pay yet!
v) Last but not least; movie marathons, more time with GG and Glee! lovelove

So basically, I am waiting for the posting! lems okay! its not that I can't wait to work, its just that I want to be sure of where I am gonna be posted to *prays hard* ;)

Thats all! malas nak tulis :D